Current build: 201402251500, published 25th February 2014, expires 28th February 2015.
What is in this build?
This is a fully functional evaluation BETA copy of the software to allow those who have shown an interest in the software the ability to see how it operates. It will expire on 28th February 2015, when most of the features will be disabled. The reason for time limiting it, is so that there is not an untested BETA copy in general circulation. This copy contains location data for my home airsoft field, Section8 Airsoft. I can change this data to your home airsoft site in the full production version of the software, but I will ask for a very small donation to make these changes, which will allow me to continue to work on the software and build in new features. I will endeavour to keep the software FREE to users in the airsoft community.
How does it work?
There is a
short video explaining the features of the previous version here. I have made some minor changes and improvements since this video was made, but it is still relevant, and will give you a good idea of the application and it's capabilities.
Installation Instructions
Before you can click on the download link you must enable the ability to install software from "Unknown Sources" and you must manually un-install any earlier copies of the software.
"Android protects users from inadvertent download and install of apps from locations other than Google Play (which is trusted). It blocks such installs until the user opts-in Unknown sources in Settings > Security, where you will see an option similar to the option shown below. To allow the installation of applications from other sources, users need to enable the Unknown sources setting on their devices, and they need to make this configuration change before they download your application to their devices."
The text may also say "Allow installation of apps from sources other than the Play Store." |
Note: You would be wise to disable this option after you have successfully installed the software.
From your android device you can now access the download link and the software will be installed on your device.
> > > Proceed to download the app. < < <
Q. Will you make this app available from the Google Play Store?
A. Yes, I would *like* to however this will cost me money, and I am not in a position to meet all those costs without some help. If the community would like this I would kindly ask you guys to make a small donation. I also cannot add any more new features to the existing version of the software as more lines of code will exceed the allowable size of the application in the compiler that I use to build it (see below). To add more will require a costly compiler license upgrade.
Q. How much will this software cost, when it is released?
A. I Intend to make the app downloadable for FREE, either from this website or the Play Store.
Q. Can you customise it for my Airsoft site?
A. Yes, but I will probably ask for a very small charge, or for you to make a small donation to my running costs. It costs me money to produce this software and to make this available for download. I am not trying to make any money, just cover my costs.
Q. Is this software included in your Creative Commons License?
A. No, I am retaining all rights to this software.
Q. Is this software perfect in every way?
A. Sadly no dear innocent child, its an experimental prototype that may not work like you expect, and its use will be entirely at your own risk.
Q. I recognise those great in app icons, where have I seen them before?
A. Good spot! I use "
Icons by Glyphish", under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License, under which Joseph Wain has generously made them available.
Q. Will the software remain Ad-free?
A. Currently I have no plans to add advertising, but I might if it helps me with my running costs.
Q. How do I make a small donation or contact you about this software?
A. Please
contact me via this link.
Q. I do not see the "Unknown Sources" option on my Android Device. What am I to do?
A. Some Android device providers treat their users like children and have locked the devices that they supply to their customers. The CrapWorks disapproves of this asshole-ish behaviour, but sadly there is nothing I can do for you. If I can raise the money to release the app on Google Play, this will not be an issue.
Q. What about the players? Is there a players version of this app?
A. I do intend to make a lightweight version of this app that allows marshals to share the game codes with the players who want the details of the games. Since the players version of this app will be very similar to the marshal app, just with less in it, and because I am still working on the marshal app, for the moment players can use the features of the marshal app that they find useful and ignore the features that they do not need.