06 December, 2011

Easy build penny stove (the potstand)

The penny stove needed a potstand/windbreak, the improvised wooden one would not do, so I fashioned a simple one from some sheet aluminium I had in my workshop. The design is so simple that I didn't draw it out first. Its simply a rectangle bent in a curve with three prongs to support the pot. It is open at the front to allow access.

The potstand
Before filling with fuel
I have drawn the potstand in Solid Edge 2D. Please note the shallow triangular cut-outs on the base which perform two functions.

1. Three points of contact with the ground act as a tripod, and are more stable on uneven surfaces.
2. They allow airflow to aid combustion.

The design could be refined with some tabs for the feet at the bottom and by drilling some additional vent holes, but in keeping with the 'easy build' nature of my penny stove I wanted something simple and easy to cut.

The material was 1.5mm aluminium sheet and I cut it with straight tin snips.


Boiling some water
Boiling water

The potstand is quite stable and will prevent soot marking my cookware. I also noticed that it was quite difficult to blow out, so it should be quite wind resistant.

Here is the stove and potstand operating at full boil.

I hope you enjoyed my short trip into the world of penny stoves.